Clare goes to Borthwick in 2024

Out of no-where came the chance to visit Edinburgh after a holiday in Ireland. Where to visit, who to visit? I contacted all my collaborators in the region, with hopes to catch up to several. 

These are my must visit places:

Newlandrig - over a century of Buchan occupation. I intend to try to follow all the families living there till 1921 (and beyond). I might get to meet a relative still in residence after 220 years. 

National Mining Museum, 0.5km from where Robert Buchan bc1813 died in a mining accident one cold January morning at the age of 74. Naturally I am interested in the museum as well.

Newbattle cemeteries old and new (where George and Jean, and their son Robert are buried with probably no headstones).

Easthouses in the Parish of Newbattle, where Buchans lived.

Dalkeith - possible origin of our Buchan family, where headstones can be found and where the Midlothian Local History archives are located.

Edinburgh City - a walking tour, a day in the National Records of Scotland, Leith, Arthurs Seat etc.

I plan to stay in a Dalkeith B&B.

Only 6 miles from Edinburgh, connected by rail and bus and airport shuttle! 

St Nicholas of Buccleach Church, formerly Dalkeith Parish Church, where generations of 18th century Buchans are buried. Refer to an earlier post about this family and its possible connection to ours.

Image by  Kim Traynor - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Also nearby to Dalkeith are places of interest such as Dalkeith Palace, Roslyn Chapel, Loanhead and Vogrie Park. Edinburgh is just 10 miles away.

Places of interest around Newlandrig

My plans for the visit:

Apart from tracing the families of Newlandrig Village, I hope to prepare place descriptions and family biographies so hopefully nothing in this relatively small area will be missed in the few days that I have there. And yes, there will be photographs, lots of photographs.


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