Our Buchan family stories and more ....

Scottish genealogy, DNA analysis - reconnecting my Buchan families.  Open the READ MORE link for the contents page of this blog. 

My hope for the blog is that anyone descended from George Buchan and Jean Johnson from Borthwick, Midlothian, Scotland might find their family here and want to know more. I hope that the power of DNA to help us reconstruct and reconnect families will be seen, and maybe others will do a DNA test.

Already I have been in contact with relatives in both Australia and around the world - in USA, Scotland, England and South Africa, sharing stories and photographs. Please contact me if we are related through the Buchans. Find the Contact me button on the 'hamburger icon' on the home page.

Acting like an index or contents page, clicking on any post below will take you directly to it. Also use the Search magnifying glass to search for any name, place or topic.

Stories about the families of George and Jean

1. The lost families of Robert Buchan born 1813 Re-connecting my family

2. Robert emigrated to Melbourne, Australia in 1852 The marriage certificate that started my work

3. Some Buchans Go To Canada  Aitchisons move to a new country

4. The Aitchisons of Haddington   A Scottish branch move east

5. A family together in Newbattle Churchyard Foundation siblings reunited

6. Who are the parents of George and Jean? My plan to examine our 'unknown' DNA matches

7. Those Browns in the grave Is our Janet McRae here?

Genetic Genealogy

1. What is a family-specific match list? How to isolate one family in a match list

2. Our Ethnicity Estimates Compared Just how Scottish is our DNA?

3. Matching patterns DNA inheritance is random

4. A Mystery Buchan Match The power of DNA to find recent ancestors

5. Bottoms Up! A way to find the parents of Janet McRae

6. 'Ask the Wife' Confirming an 'ancestral couple' 

7. Janet 'whaur are ye'? Progressing the search for Janet McRae

Our Scottish Background

1. Borthwick Parish The home of the Buchans during the 19th Century

2. Buchans in Old Parish Registers Honing in on our origins

3. Did we come from Dalkeith? A possible path from 1702

4. Gathering Living Buchans   Expanding the Buchan dynasty

5. Clare goes to Borthwick in 2024  Exploring our ancestral places

6. Clare returns from Borthwick with success! Discoveries in Edinburgh and Newbattle

7. Understanding deaths - 'a dead born child' Lessons from death records

8. Our emigration paths Not that many Buchans left Scotland


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