Gathering Living Buchans

We living Buchans are like the leaves emerging from our ancestral roots - still green, not yet yellowy brown. My goal from 2022 was to build as comprehensive a family tree for the family of George Buchan and Jean Johnson as was humanly possible. As you may know, online family trees do NOT publish the names or details of any living person. An example of parts of an online tree on Ancestry displaying living people. We know of living relatives because we KNOW them personally, relatives share information about the current generations or we find information in places like newspapers and magazines, eg obituaries and anniversary stories. Reunions are a popular place to gather details of living 'leaves'. In Australia, as is the case in many parts of the world, there are strict privacy laws about vital record information - births, marriages, divorces and deaths. In most states and territories of Australia there is a 100 year embargo on birth information, 75 years on marriage and divorce...