Who are the parents of George and Jean?

After the initial success of finding which Buchan family my emigrant Robert Buchan belonged to, the goal of my DNA study was to identify the parents of George Buchan and Jean Johnston from the DNA of their descendants. George and Jean are my x4 great grandparents, both were born between 1770-1780. No document has yet been found that identifies their parents. Many researchers, including myself, propose that Jean is the daughter of James Johnston and Mary Bowstie. This couple had a daughter Jean baptised on 1 February 1780 in Temple Parish, Borthwick. Temple is a village and civil parish in Midlothian, lying immediately to the west of Borthwick, and about 6 km from Newlandrig. Their address is provided as "Slabs Greenh[ouse?]" and as yet I have not found a similar place on any map. Findmypast has transcribed the date of baptism as 14 February 1780. I think the correct date might be 17 February, reading the text on the document as "James Johnston and Mary Bostie in Slabs...