Bottoms Up!

Diahan Southard coined the term Bottoms Up for a technique to group together the Leftovers in our match lists after finding matches within a particular family grouping - for us the descendants of George and Jean. Those who are not descendants of George and Jean are literally 'left over'. Although called the Buchan Network, it should more accurately be called Buchan+Johnston network , as there will be people in that group who only share DNA sourced from Jean Johnston. The technique looks at Unknown Matches at the lowest cM for the 4C range, or about 20cM, and then groups matches according to whom they 'cluster with'. More than one cluster always arises, because it is inevitable that there are quite different groups 'around' George and Jean. I did this originally with my Australians and found a cluster with quite high values up to 50cM. I had called this my Target Group A. It turns out 3 of this group were actually Australians whom I had not found previously. But...