What is a Family-Specific match list?

Our DNA match lists reveal people amongst the various testing companies who have identical segments of DNA to us, such that we can infer that we have a common ancestor. The higher the cM amount, the closer the relationship, at least up until 2nd cousins. Thereafter the randomness of inheritance means that we WILL NOT match some of our 3rd-lower cousins and associated removed cousins. A 'removed' relationship means that we are not on the same generational line as our match or known cousin (if not talking DNA). Once removed can mean EITHER an earlier generation = ideal for answering DNA questions, or a later generation such as your cousin's child who is your 1C1R. Your cousin's grandchild is your 1C2R. The 'earlier removed' have much more DNA from any common ancestor compared to 'later removeds'. In the beginning I was extremely lucky to have access to the DNA match list of my father's 1C (since he had already died.) Pat is my 1C1R, but she is an '...